Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina

Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina

I have worked in the technology industry for 5 years as a technical writer, software engineer and recently, a developer advocate and content creator.

Extremely skilled at my job, I am the author of Building Web APIs with Python and FastAPI. I am also the creator of the FastAPI and MongoDB boilerplate and a co-author of the open source BuyCoins SDK, both written in Python.

Occasionally, I write about my technical exploits and random technical topics on my blog.



Worked as a developer advocate and later a content creator responsible for creating how-to written and video content and managing the developer community.


FastAPI and MongoDB Boilerplate

A lightweight starter template for building FastAPI and MongoDB applications.

BuyCoins Python SDK

Co-authored an open source SDK to allow Python applications interact with the BuyCoins API.

Treasure Hunt

Co-authored a tool to concurrently traverse an online maze using the DFS graph algorithm.